Post by shadronaa on Jan 29, 2007 21:45:02 GMT -5
"Blake told me about it." She took another sip." He tells me a lot of things about you." She smiled and flipped her hair. (( ))
Post by ↑ELISE↓ on Jan 29, 2007 21:47:39 GMT -5
At the mention of Blake, she perked a bit up. "Like what?" she said, getting more fierce. You could tell these girls were complete opposites. Jane was a rebel rockstar, and Andrea was a girly-girl who was plain evil in Jane's eyes.
Post by Gaby.Lily.Kaci.Eva.Cam♥ on Jan 29, 2007 21:49:23 GMT -5
Gabriella resumed grasp on Justin and pulled him out onto the dance floor just in time for a slow song. She wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed to the music for a moment before passionatly kissing him.
Lillian stayed her seat, almost embarassed that SHE was actually there alone. A thing of this hasen't happened since grade five. Every year from 5th grade on she had someone, at every moment. She'd dump them each day or week or month and get an upgrade, it was just the way she worked. She sighed, somehow forceably directing her attention to Gaby and Justin. It was odd, Gaby was normally the one who'd be watching Lillian with some cutie. How pathetic.
Post by shadronaa on Jan 29, 2007 21:52:24 GMT -5
Justin kissed Gaby romanticly. He was having side-affects of all the meds he was on. He broke the kiss and held his head. He had a major headache.
"Like, He says you embarassed him so gably at the club. And he is ashamed of you." Andrea said sitting up on a stool. " He isn't very happy."
Post by ↑ELISE↓ on Jan 29, 2007 22:00:41 GMT -5
Jane felt tears back behind her eyes. She didn't like any of Blake's sibling at all. "I hate you and your frickin' sister! Dam***." she yelled over the music. She stormed away, tears down her face. She went to a back table and sat down.
Post by Gaby.Lily.Kaci.Eva.Cam♥ on Jan 29, 2007 22:11:40 GMT -5
Gaby was less than pleased with their short term kiss, "What's wrong baby?" she asked Justin, who she now noticed was holding his head. "Are you okay?" she asked him nervously. Oh no, please don't let anything be wrong with him, Gaby simply cannot handle it, she's not strong enough. Please oh please don't make him ill. (Please Shady, make him healthy, please!)
Lillian was always worrying about Justin, for Gabys sake and because she was just that nice. (LOL) Despite her curiousity she didnt budge, she didn't want to interfere. Lately she's been feeling outcasted and in the way. "Besides, they probrably just bumped heads." she thought aloud.
Post by ↑ELISE↓ on Jan 29, 2007 22:17:06 GMT -5
"Well. That is good. We had a few cows. Pigs, two dogs, several cats. It was an Animal Farm. Cali seems like a nice place so far. It's good to be here in America." he replied to May. David was excited to be here, but sorrowful because of having to leave his sisters behind.
Jane sat at the table wiping away tears. How could Andrea be that cruel? Things were not working out with Blake's family. Would he side with her or with them? Everything was going so wrong lately. To top it all off, Blake was upset with her. Or at least he was according to Andrea.
Post by [bleu][Birdy] on Jan 29, 2007 22:18:38 GMT -5
May looked at the scenes spiraling around her. Drama seemed to be manufactured daily now. "That's nice. I like cats, I was one for Halloween," she said looking up at him. "Dogs are nice to and all. But cats have more personality."
Post by Gaby.Lily.Kaci.Eva.Cam♥ on Jan 29, 2007 22:19:45 GMT -5
As Lillian sat there almost miserably she couldn't help but notice her good friend Jane off in a corner crying her eyes out. 'I wonder what's wrong...' she thought to herself before she got up and headed towards Jane. "Hey" Lilly greeted smally, sitting down next to Jane. "Ya wanna talk about it?" she asked her comfortably.
Post by ↑ELISE↓ on Jan 29, 2007 22:26:14 GMT -5
David smiled. "Yeah. Cats do. But they have serious attitude issues sometimes." he chuckled. A blonde girl swept past them a minute or so earlier. Poor girl. "Well, I miss my sisters, but I'm glad to be here. I had an issue with my father, which is why I am here." he told May.
Jane's good friend Lillian came over. She was relieved to see a friend, but really peeved about all that had happened. "Hi Lilly." she said quietly. "It's a long story." she said, sighing. "It's about Blake and his sisters." she added.
Post by [bleu][Birdy] on Jan 29, 2007 22:28:03 GMT -5
"I have a brother. He looks out for me and everything but sometimes he's just too overprotective..." she said thinking about Lexx. He was a nice guy but sometimes he got on her nerves. May looked at David, "I bet they miss you too," she said smiling, hoping it'd make him feel better.
Post by shadronaa on Jan 29, 2007 22:29:14 GMT -5
Andrea smilied evily and sipped the last remains of her beer. She got up and started to Dance.
Justin shook his head and said," I- I am fine just a headach." He leaned in for another kiss. His stupid health was ruinging his relationship. (( Why squash my creativity Ocean XD!))
Post by Gaby.Lily.Kaci.Eva.Cam♥ on Jan 29, 2007 22:46:21 GMT -5
Lillian sighed, "I have nothing but time." she replied to Jane as she sipped her colada.
Gaby told Justin they should sit down and take it easy. (I do not wish to squash your creativity, I just feel bad for Justin. xD Lol)
Post by ↑ELISE↓ on Jan 29, 2007 22:58:05 GMT -5
"Okay. Well if you want to know, I'll start at the beginning." she began, wiping the last tear away. The girl sighed. "Blake and I hit it off really good. I'm in his band. And, well, keep it a secret, but he proposed, and I said yes. We are engaged." she said happily showing Lillian her ring finger, the ring dazzling on it. "So his sister, Arya shows up on his doorstep, asking him to come back to LA to sort out some parent problem. She hates me practically for no reason. Which is part of the reason why I am so sad." she said. She took a breath because she was spilling all and talking fast. "Then his sister comes from LA, Andrea. I thought she was real nice and all at first." she added. Then came the part about her and Blake at the Pink Panther. "I went to the Pink Panther the other night with Blake. And I kinda had too much to drink and got drunk. Andrea saw and was there. Now she is being a bit** to me about it for no reason." she confessed. "Both of his sisters hate my guts and I dunno wether he is gonna side with them or me." she added at the end, pretty much summing it all up.
Post by GABRIELLEetDEREKetDIANA on Jan 30, 2007 14:55:10 GMT -5
Derek got bored and walked over to Lillian and sat down. " Hey. " He told her. He waited for a response and drank the last sip of his Corona beer.